TechnoRiverStudio 5.0 is barcode labeling software to print barcode labels. The software component has a support for ddCode39, I2OF5 and ITF14 barcodes. These barcodes can be easily embedded into documents such as word and excel. The barcode dimensions can be controlled with precision.
TechnoRiverStudio also features a range of barcode properties. The barcodes are generated as windows metafiles. This is followed by accuracy, high resolution printing etc. It also features an Excel add-in which supports mass conversion of data to barcodes. It has database integration with GS1-Databar capabilities. It also allows multilingual labels which can be used with a same standard layout. It supports the industry standards for barcodes which is 1D and 2D. It is supported by a one touch bar code toolbox which gives easy access to set of bar components. Options like start position, reverse printing order, label quantity and the number of records can be set prior to printing. The labels can be integrated with external data sources as well. Customization can take place for options such as bar codes, FIM bars, text, graphics, logos, rich text and shapes. SmartCodeStudio can be used to import scanned images to the tool.
The tool gives the flexibility to the user for personalizing the barcode labels. It is easy to use and has a large database to maintain.
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